STILL want that abortion, dearie? |
Just what in the crap is going on in this country, you
guys? A room full of men deciding the
fate of birth control coverage? But men
can’t even…and they don’t…so why should they…what?!
Not only that, but Virginia, Texas, and Iowa with the
forcible transvaginal ultrasound for women wanting an abortion? Transvaginal – that’s up in the vagina, if
you didn’t know. That’s a medical
instrument forcibly placed into your body (which you have to hold?!). Um, so the FBI recently changed the
definition of rape to include, well, EXACTLY THIS. Penetration against one’s will. And that’s what the mandatory ultrasound laws
are about. They’re not about smearing
goo on a woman’s tummy and then forcing her to check out the screen with the wavy
blue lines that is supposed to magically make her change her mind but actually pretty
much never does. The laws are about
legalized rape.
And for what, you GOP assholes? It’s dizzying how fast it comes down to
treating women like children or chattel when you start unraveling the reasons a
state would legalize rape. Let’s see if
we can follow it, if we slow it down a little:
We think abortion is bad, which means
Abortion is bad, which means
Abortions shouldn’t happen which means
If abortions still happen women don’t know
better which means
We have to protect the women from themselves
which means
We have to remind them of their natural purpose
which means
If we force them to look at wavy blue lines they will come around and they will thank us
in the end.
I really can’t believe this is on the table at all, but let’s
let the fact that it is fire us up.
Komen learned a lesson about politicking women’s lives, and I think the
GOP needs a lesson about staying the eff out of women’s personal
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